Christianity is Christ

Christianity is Christ

Jesus Christ, God’s perfect Son, is the Beloved of the Father, the Song of the angels, the Logic of creation, the great Mystery of godliness, the bottomless Spring of life, comfort and joy. We were made to find our satisfaction, our heart’s rest, in him. Quite simply, this book will be about enjoying him, reveling in his all-sufficiency for us, and considering all that he is: how he reveals such an unexpectedly kind God, how he makes, defines—how he is—the good news, and how he not only gives shape to but is himself the shape of the Christian life.

Suffering And Sanctification: Natalie Shipman

Suffering And Sanctification: Natalie Shipman

I’d be lying if I said I’m completely healed. My body is still broken, I’m currently amid more health issues. My heart is still grieved, I cry a lot over those two babies I lost. But God has shown me many things during these trials. He has grown me immeasurably. He IS sovereign over my life. He IS Lord over our family. He is the HEALER of my body. He does see me. He has shown me that I cannot rely on my own strength. God and God alone sustains me. Only He can restore the brightness in my eyes.

The Spirit Healed Me: Bailey Green

The Spirit Healed Me: Bailey Green

In my years as a follower of Christ, I often looked at the ministry of healing suspiciously. Healing was a show put on for televangelists or stories that were told to make a person sound impressive. Maybe, God would grant this for really sick people - the type of requests that make the top of your bible study prayer list; maybe cancer or a car accident. However, last year my entire view on healing, and the power of the Holy Spirit was made alive.

The Spirit Healed Me: Rick Driggers

The Spirit Healed Me: Rick Driggers

A heavy “A-frame” medal ladder at full extension blew over and struck me across the top of my head just as I bent over to move a child sandbox. For thirty minutes I had been walking the yard with a fertilizer spreader. The blow was serious: 14 staples and three months of headache, sleepiness, lethargy, inability to concentrate and sensitivity to light/loud noises.

What Is The Church?

What Is The Church?

A friend recently asked me if I thought that the coronavirus would cause division within the church. I’ve thought quite a bit about her question since then. The short answer, is yes, I think the coronavirus has the potential to cause division within the church for many obvious reasons. I mean, we’re people. So if you ask ten people what their opinion is about the coronavirus and all that goes with it (social distancing, conspiracy theory, wearing masks, the like) then you will get ten different answers. Multiply that by a congregation of 200+ people and the opinions multiple like rabbits. And in all seriousness, God bless the pastors that are trying to shepherd us stinky sheep through all this.

Praying The Psalms Like Jesus

Praying The Psalms Like Jesus

What is this “certain way” that we are called to suffer? Above all it is, as we mentioned earlier, suffering in Christ. It does no good to try and bear our suffering ourselves; we must cling to Christ. That sounds easy enough when you are not suffering. But it is not so easy when you are actually suffering. How can I respond to God when he appears to be abusing me?

Pray: Prayer Cards

Pray: Prayer Cards

The idea of using prayer cards instead of a prayer list came to me one day when I was sitting on our living-room sofa, trying to pray. Life over the past few months had become almost unbearable. I was frozen on the inside.

While sitting like this, spiritually numb, a thought suddenly came to me: Put the Word to work. I got some three-by-five cards, and on each one wrote the name of a family member, along with a Scripture that I could use to shape my prayers for that person. I began developing a stack of prayer cards that allowed me to pray through my life—for loved ones and friends, for non-Christians I’m building relationships with, for my church and its leaders, for missionaries, for my work and my co-workers, for character change in my own life, and for my dreams.

Pray: Ask & Surrender

Pray: Ask & Surrender

Jesus’ brother James comes to the rescue and balances out Jesus’ extravagant promises. James describes two dangers in asking. The first danger, on the left side of the following chart, is Not Asking. James writes, “You do not have, because you do not ask.” The second danger is Asking Selfishly: “You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions” (James 4:2-3). We can fall off either cliff.