Grace Church—the members covenanted to one another—will make disciples and plant churches by proclaiming and displaying the grace of God to sinners and sufferers. 

Our region doesn’t need another Sunday service, it needs a family—a compelling community—who ferociously loves Jesus and one another and gives their life to the mission of glorifying God, growing current disciples, and making new disciples. We are not planting a Sunday meeting. We are planting the good news of Jesus (the gospel) and we are planting a family. A family for the Southwest region of the Metroplex and for the nations.

The DNA of Grace Church describes our values, or family traits. By instilling these six traits into our church from the beginning we can begin the journey God has called us to; that as we treasure Jesus, cultivate deep friendships, and boldly evangelize, the gospel will take hold and disciples will be made and churches will be planted for the good of the city and the glory of God.




1. Delighted In The Trinity


The first and most important thing Grace Church will be about is God. We must refocus our view of the true Jesus as one who holds all things together (Col 1:17). Jesus is truth (Jn 14:6, Jn 16:13). He is revealed in the truth of Scripture (Jn 17:17) and we seek to glorify Him in truth (Ps 51:6).


We were not created to worship but created worshipping. Your time, energy, creativity, money, and resources are alway being poured out towards what you are captured by. The Cross frees us to stir our affections for the One, True, Ultimate. All of life is worship (Rom 12:1).


2. Cultivated Deep Friendships

Culture of Grace

Deep friendships happen in authentic, gritty, raw community (Pr 27:17). The family already forming meets in homes and celebrates life with good food and good laughs. We stir one another up to love and good deeds (Heb 10:24). We are cultivating a culture where we don’t hide our sin and suffering but can honestly expose it (1 Jn 1:7).  Where we respond to one another in prayer and gentleness pointing one another to Jesus (Gal 6:1, Rom 12:10). Where we walk intimately with one another in our sin and suffering. Where we are transparent, not superficial; brothers and sisters, not acquaintances; known and loved, not disconnected and lonely.

Compelling Community

We are called to be a community who by our love for each other makes visible the love of our invisible God. A community who is the apologetic of the gospel to the not yet Christians around us (Jn 13:35). Also we are called to be a community who blesses the greater community we are a part of (Jer 29:7), not by railing against it from the outside but by loving it from the inside. By caring for orphans (and poor) and widows (and single moms) and the homeless and the fatherless and the oppressed (Jas 1:27), like Jesus (Luke 4:18-19). 


3. Boldly Evangelized

Message of Grace

People changed by the message of God’s grace are to share it with others (Matt 28:19-20). Knowing that God put us where we are, at this time, for His purpose (Acts 17:26), we boldly proclaim the gospel (Rom 10:14-15) and intentionally display it by being purposeful in everything we do. Hobbies, work, dinner, marriage, music—everything is done on mission for the gospel and for the city, and for the people of the city, like Jesus did (Jn 1:14)—even as we seek the city to come (Heb 13:14).

Church Planting

As the Father sent the Son, so the Son sends us to proclaim and display the gospel (Jn 17:18). As we plant the gospel and plant a family in our region, Jesus will save people and then send them as well. Some will be sent back into their current location, while others will go to Cleburne, Godley, Burleson, Aledo, and even across international borders (Acts 1:8). We are to be fruitful and multiply, working to see the earth filled with the glory of God (Ps 72:19).