Bold Evangelism

Bold Evangelism: A Call to Generous Hospitality & Intentional Living

As followers of Jesus, we are called to be disciples - Spirit-filled lifelong learners, friends, and followers of our Lord. Our lives are marked by a relentless pursuit of Christ-likeness, and as we grow in our relationship with Him, we cannot help but overflow with humility and joy.

With humility, we recognize that it is not our own power or persuasion that wins souls for the Kingdom, but the work of the Holy Spirit. It is through the Spirit's leading and guidance that we find the courage to live out this journey of bold evangelism. Our confidence is not in ourselves, but in God's power to transform lives.

As we walk in humility, we also bear the fruit of joy. The joy of the Lord becomes our strength as we witness the transformative power of His love in the lives of those we encounter. This joy moves us forward, compelling us to share the good news with all.

In our efforts to reach others, we embrace the call to generous hospitality. Generous hospitality is not simply opening our homes and hearts to those around us; it is a way of life that places the needs of others above our own. It requires us to step outside of our comfort zones, to engage with people different from ourselves, and to intentionally live our lives in our everyday rhythms of life.

We understand that we won't be able to reach everyone, but we are committed to always reaching one more. We are passionate about introducing people to the life-transforming love of Jesus Christ, and we believe that every individual matters deeply to God. With every interaction, we extend inviting arms, inviting others to experience the hope, forgiveness, and abundant life that is found in Christ.

For us, bold evangelism is not about forcefully imposing our beliefs on others. Instead, it is about sharing the truth in love and inviting others to participate in a life-changing relationship with Jesus. It is about living out our faith with authenticity, integrity, and compassion.

May we passionately pursue Christ, and boldly share His love with those we encounter. May our humility and joy be evident in every interaction, drawing others to the One who transforms lives. And let generous hospitality become the mark of our discipleship, as we embrace each person as a precious child of God.

Remember, we may not be able to reach everyone, but we can always reach one more. One more soul rescued, one more life transformed, one more person receiving the hope that only Jesus can offer. May our hearts be stirred, and may this ignite a passion within us to be vessels of God's love in a broken world.