Books For Your Kids: The Biggest Story

Parents we want you to be equipped through teaching, modeling, and resourcing to shepherd your children’s hearts in everyday life—time, moments, and milestones. We've started a monthly series to highlight a children's book we recommend. This month a member, Laurel West, is highlighting The Biggest Story: How the Snake Crusher Brings Us Back to the Garden by Kevin DeYoung.

The Bible is often approached as a collection of individual stories of God's people.  While it does offer many important accounts, it holds an even greater depth with a single, powerful theme from the very beginning.  The Biggest Story aims at walking children through the best known stories of Scripture and exposes this common thread - God's promise of redemption (through the "Snake Crusher") from sin and eternal separation from Him.

In our family, we appreciate this book for the comprehensiveness with which it presents the Bible.  Viewing the Bible as a whole is a concept that I was not introduced to until I was well into my teens and I'm grateful for a resource that helps us instill this in our children while they are young.

The Biggest Story ABC has been a favorite, as well, for presenting the same theme in a more age-appropriate fashion for toddlers.