Reflect & Give Thanks!

Thanksgiving. Give thanks. Grateful hearts. Gratitude.

“My soul, bless the Lord, and all that is within me, bless his holy name.

My soul, bless the Lord, and do not forget all his benefits.” Psalm 103:1-2

We have so much to be thankful here as a church. As we reflect on this last year, it’s hard not to be reminded of Psalm 103 and rejoice at God’s steadfast love and faithfulness!

In August, Grace Church celebrated her 1st birthday and it was a beautiful celebration of all God has done in our church family. Many folks wrote down what they were thankful for. Take a look at how awesome our God is and let us read these thank you notes with a grateful heart to our great God:

“When I came to Grace, I was the most hurt and broken I had ever been in my life. I started coming to the meetings in early 2017, and quickly found myself in a community group, surrounded by people who cared and wanted to love me despite my past. Jesus saved my life in 2011, but Grace Church caught me when I was falling.

Thank you God for bringing me out of darkness and into the Light. You have brought me into a community that truly lives for you. I’m not the same person I was a year ago and I owe that all to you. Thank you for the people at Grace who have loved me so well through difficult times and circumstances.

God transformed our marriage, and changed me through the opportunity to serve others!

This family has been so sweet in a season of transition for us. Thank you, Jesus, for a gospel community who welcomes new people!

Thank you God for helping my husband mature into the leader our family needs through the Men’s Training at Grace. He has taken ownership of leading us and I will forever thank you for that!”

I am grateful and thankful for all of the amazing, wonderful people God has sent us. It is a privilege to serve together!

Thank you, Jesus, for your faithfulness to us and our church family!

Thank you for answering our desperate cries for gospel-centered community!

Thank you for bringing us to Grace Church! We love our community and are so thankful for the movement of the Holy Spirit in and amongst us.