1. God Deserves all Praise!
Sundays aren’t for us to be passive recipients, but we are actually in the band—all of us, together, as one voice, singing one song, to the One who deserves all glory, honor, and praise.
We are told to make a joyful noise (Ps 95:1), to sing new songs (Ps 149:1), to sing of God’s strength and steadfast love (Ps 59:16), to make melody (Ps 27:6), because of his power (Ps 21:13), and what he has done for us (Ps 13:6). God’s people are to gather and sing.
2. We Sing for Each Other
When you are struggling, doubting God’s promises, unsure of God’s love, the loud voices of your brothers and sisters becomes a reminder to you (Col 3:16). Additionally, when a non-believer comes to one of our worship gatherings, they are not attracted to the Gospel because the band is awesome, they are witnessed to through our treasuring Jesus together as we sing loudly and joyfully.
3. Singing is Kingdom Warfare
“No power of Hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from his hand;
Till he returns or calls me home,
Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand.”
J.A. Medders says, “We sing those words to God, Heaven rejoices, and Satan watches on in horror. No power of Hell can pluck us from Christ’s hand. ‘No power of Hell, Satan. Do you hear us? You and all your rotten might are no match for our Jesus.’ This is why we advocate for loud singing (Zep 3:14-15). War isn’t quiet. No soldier mumbles on the battlefield—and especially not at the victory party. Belt the glory of Christ. And know that our Champion sings loudly over us (Zep 3:17).”