Beloved family,

The elders want you to know that I will be taking a three month sabbatical this winter. I will be completely disengaged from life and ministry at Grace Church from December 13th to March 7th. 

First, I want to say thank you for this gift! I am grateful I can say, with Paul, “you are all partakers of grace with me” (Phil. 1:7). Over these past four years, we’ve experienced God’s overwhelming grace to us as a church.

You may be wondering why now or curious why pastors get extended time off when other hard working people do not. These are good questions, so I’ll do my best to address them here.


One author describes a sabbatical as, “a carefully planned period of time in which the pastor is granted leave away from his normal responsibilities in order to spend an extended period of time in rest, renewal, and refreshment.” This cessation of pastoral ministry is intended to provide physical rest, spiritual renewal, and overall refreshment. In the words of a sabbatical coach Jim Smith, “a sabbatical is an investment in a pastor’s renewal.”

The word “sabbatical” comes from the Hebrew word shabbat, which means “to cease or rest.” In the Scriptures, Sabbath is observed after the six days of creation (Gen. 2:3), enshrined as a weekly day of rest and worship (Exod. 20:8), and prescribed as a year of release and debt forgiveness after seven years (Deut. 15). Sabbatical periods of rest were regularly observed by Jesus and were instrumental for both Moses and Paul in discerning the Lord’s calling (Gal. 1:17-18). While a strict sabbatical is not required for pastors, it is a wise investment in both pastor and congregation.

In line with our great desire and value of long-term, long-suffering healthy ministry, we are instituting a required sabbatical for all pastors at Grace Church. A sabbatical is not punitive or a reward, necessarily, but a submission to the elders and Jesus Christ as the head of the church to rest and restore as a sheep, and not a shepherd. A pastor (paid or non-paid) must take a sabbatical between years 5-7. An unanimous vote from the elders (excluding the pastor taking a sabbatical) is required for any exceptions either before or after the 5-7 years. 


The first reason I welcome a sabbatical is that I am aware of pastoral requirements. Unlike other vocations, my calling requires spiritual vitality. I cannot be a faithful pastor and remain busy. I must, as the apostles put it, “devote myself to prayer and the ministry of the Word” (Acts 6:4). This includes periods of silence and meditation, reflection and prayer, and biblical study—essentially hearing from God. Over the past nine years I have grown in observing a sabbath each week and taking yearly retreats, I desire to withdraw, evaluate, rest, and draw near to God to be refreshed and gain clear vision for the next ten years.

I have been in vocational ministry for 13 years and an official pastor-elder since 2013. It has been a sweet time as I have learned to lead, shepherd, and preach. Grace Church, I love you and am so amazed at what God has done in us and through us.

A second reason for this sabbatical is the nature of pastoral work. Working away steadily at the complex task of caring for eternal souls, addressing sin and suffering, maturing in the craft of preaching God’s Word, and growing as a leader to guide a church from the ground up, requires an energy that is not purely physical or mental. While many vocations are demanding, pastoral work is spiritual war. The Enemy prowls like a lion, sends wolves after sheep, and deploys snares at every turn. I desire a break from the war and long for a time of refreshing. I am looking forward to extended periods of time alone with the Lord.

A third reason for sabbatical is family health. My strongest partner in ministry is my wife. She is a wonderful gift to me. A strong godly woman who has labored with me in ministry. She’s suffered multiple trials since we started planting this church. I desire extended time with her to enjoy our deep friendship and strengthen our marriage. I also desire our boys to know ministry isn’t a higher passion or priority than our family. I hope for them to delight in the Trinity and view the church as beautiful. 

A fourth reason for sabbatical is church health. I don’t want our vision or mission to drift. I don’t want to slip into going through the motions. I desire to proactively fight that possibility. By God’s grace I believe we are healthy and on the right track and I also believe it is wise for me to step back and evaluate my heart and life. Dave Harvey writes,” the quality of your elder plurality determines the health of your church.” I’ve labored to create a healthy elder team. Being the godly men they are, they’ve turned and encouraged me to take this sabbatical for my soul and for my long-term ministry. I desire to endure for the long haul. And I’m so expectant and hopeful as we look at the future of our church.  

You’ll also benefit from the challenge of being the church (which I think you already do quite well), without my help. It is my prayer that, “as citizens of heaven, you live your life worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or am absent, I will hear about you that you are standing firm in one spirit, in one accord, contending together for the faith of the gospel, not being frightened in any way by your opponents” (Phil 1:27-28). I believe my absence will actually unify and strengthen our church in and for the gospel of Jesus.

In the words of Eugene Peterson, sabbatical is time for “a desert time and a harvest time, time for prayer and time for writing, the two times side by side, contrasting, converging, cross-fertilizing.” It is time for rejuvenation and creative writing, for desert withdrawal and harvest reaping, for rest and play, writing and much prayer. I ask that you pray about the things I’ve shared, not only for me and my family, but for the maturation and ministry of our church to the glory of God.

Grace & Peace,

Pastor Ryan