Grace Kids' Expansion – Fall 2018

Grace Kids' Expansion – Fall 2018

Grace Kids is a ministry to the family partnering with parents in the journey of our children’s discipleship. Our mission is to see children, also sinners and sufferers, transformed by the grace of God into disciples who treasure Jesus, have deep friendships, and boldly evangelize. One way we do that is by providing age-appropriate, Jesus-centered classrooms at our Sunday gatherings.

Cherishing God's Presence

Cherishing God's Presence

Between Genesis and Revelation is the story of God’s desire to have a people among whom he can dwell. So, that happened first in the tabernacle, then the temple, then in Jesus himself–God with us–and now in the church through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. You could say that God’s presence is both the means by which he works out his plans for his people, and also the goal of those plans. 

Gospel-Centered Conflict Resolution

Gospel-Centered Conflict Resolution

Outlined below is a process of dealing with conflict in a gospel-centered manner. Each aspect is listed, along with some questions that will help you assess your tendencies in that area. You may call to mind past experiences or even a current conflict with someone. Remember, the goal is to recognize unhealthy patterns in your life and to practice applying the gospel more effectively. 

Jesus Changed Me: Natalie Shipman

Jesus Changed Me: Natalie Shipman

God captured my attention at an early age to the Truth of the Gospel. I could articulate the Gospel for as long as I remember. I knew Jesus loved me. But it wasn’t until college that I truly began to be hungry for the Word and eager to grow in my relationship with my Savior—to grow in my sanctification.

Jesus Changed Me: Cody Bertram

Jesus Changed Me: Cody Bertram

I grew up in a house and a church that loved Jesus. All of my friends came from church. I attended church regularly. I sang the songs. I read the Bible. I went to the summer camps and ski trips. From a young age I considered myself a Christian because of these things. How could I not be a Christian since I was surrounded by Christian things?  

Gospel Affection

Gospel Affection

Consider what follows as a simple encouragement to press into a life of love in practical ways. A life God has called us to, saved us for, and modeled for us. Here is what gospel affection looks like, presented practically in 10 Ways to Love Your Brothers and Sisters.

What Is An Elder?

What Is An Elder?

Every church has leaders.                    

Starting from that universal reality, the real question we need to ask is What kind of leaders should the church have? Did God intend his church to be led by just anyone? Or did he give some outline, some matrix, some set of instructions for church leadership?